5 historical tourist destinations worth visiting in Libya

Libya has a long history that extends for thousands of years due to its geographical location and vast area, and this makes it one of the distinctive tourist destinations, as peoples settled in it permanently or settled there temporarily, starting with the Phoenicians. Who are considered the first to settle in Libya for the Greeks, Ptolemies and Romans, then the Byzantines and the Vandals until the Islamic conquest and after the Italian occupation of Libya.

5 historical tourist destinations worth visiting in Libya

All these events had a historical impact in the state of Libya, where you find ancient buildings and monuments, in every era of time in which the historical impact is on certain cities. In this article, we will learn about 5 historical tourist destinations worth visiting in Libya.

1.Shahat or Cyrene in the past

The Greek temple "Zeus" in Shahat The ancient terraces of Shahat or Cyrene Ancient historical statues Ancient Greek ruins in the city of Shahat

Al-Shahat is a Libyan city founded by the Greeks in 631 BC, and it was called Cyrene or Cyrene. This city is located in northeastern Libya, specifically in the Green Mountain region. Al-Shahat is characterized by the abundance of historical and archaeological places in it, as there are more than 1480 artifacts in the "Sculpture Museum".

The city of Al-Shahat is considered one of the municipalities of the Green Mountain in Libya, which makes it enjoy a beautiful and evergreen nature, and the Mansoura area is considered one of the most famous areas of this city because of its distinctive nature and green farms. .

2.Leptis Magna

Leptis Magna is a Libyan city located on Libya's Mediterranean coast between the cities of Misrata and the capital Tripoli.

Near the modern city of five in Libya. The city began as a commercial port for the ancient Phoenicia people around 1000 BC and then became part of the Roman province of Africa Proconsularis. The Great Mansion was expanded and decorated by Sptimio Severo, who was born there and later became an emperor and was one of the most beautiful cities of the Roman Empire.

The city of Leptis Magna was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1982, and in 2017 UNESCO listed Leptis Magna archaeological sites as at risk as a result of conflicts and wars in Libya.


Acacus Mountains Animal drawings on the rocks Giant boulder similar to a seagull Animal inscriptions and drawings on the Acacus Mountains

The Acacos Mountains region is located in southwestern Libya and is considered to be within the Sahara desert and its closest archaeological city, Ghat, highlighting its historical beauty in the inscriptions on its rocks and paintings in its caves, which are drawings of animals such as elephants, giraffes and mammoths.

In Libya and the Acacos Mountains in particular, the mummy that preceded the time of the Egyptian pharaohs was discovered, even ranking the oldest mummy on Earth and calling it the "mummy of the Acacos mountains."

When visiting the Acacos inscription, be warned not to touch it and stay at a distance between you and the inscriptions and paintings in order to preserve history.


Sabratha ancient Roman amphitheater Sabratha runway from behind Sabratha Antiquities

The city of Sabrata is located in the west of Libya and is approximately 78 km from the capital Tripoli, Sabrata is a historic coastal city overlooking the Mediterranean Sea characterized by archaeological buildings on its coasts and one of the most famous, the Sabrata Archaeological Theatre, which expresses ancient Roman architecture models.

The first founders of this city were the Phoenicians and were called Old by the Greeks "Broughton Paul Kay Lemmen", which mean An english "port and city of Broughton."

The city relies heavily on tourism as it exploits the archaeological city of many civilizations and its distinctive geographical location on the beaches of the Mediterranean and its mild climate that encourages tourists to visit it


Old city, Ghadames Close-up of the old city houses Old city houses in Ghadames Ghadames ancient caves

Ghadames is located in the west of Libya near the land border between Libya and Tunisia and Algeria, 600 km from the capital Tripoli with a land line passing under the Navosa Mountains, which can be reached by the city's airstrips near which there is an airstrip with patrolling flights with Sabha and Tripoli.

Ghadames is known for its ancient city where conjoined buildings that form a village of ancient residents of the city, and ancient caves that used as prisons.

One of the most important features of the city is the Ghadames Museum, Ayn al-Fars, Maqdoul Roman Palace and Ras al-Ghul, a mountain cave. According to accounts, it is the last stronghold of the infidels before they surrendered to the Islamic Fatah by Aqaba bin Nafa.